Ukraine: in the first half of the year SMP production increased by 17%
The season for the production of milk powder is being over, the demand for it is as hign as before. – INFAGRO
The season for the production of milk powder is being over, the demand for it is as hign as before. – INFAGRO
Ukrainian manufacturers of SMP are no longer eager to sell the powder even for 1900 USD/t, although not so far ago they sold it even for as low as 1800 USD/t. Whole milk powder is also sold well. – INFAGRO
The drying season in Ukraine is almost over. Several dairies still remain in operation, the ones that use raw milk produced by rural households keeing cows. The price of this milk has not particularly risen since summer. – INFAGRO
Analysis of Ukrainian dairy exports carried out in June shows that there are buyers of Ukrainian dairy products whose share in exports of a certain product exceeds 50%. – INFAGRO
Earlier, Ukraine has been among the major players in the global dairy market. But during 2005-2010 there occured a substantial reduction in milk production and dairies got reoriented to produce more profitable dairy produce. Then milk powder production in the country and milk powder exports […]
The spring surplus of milk makes Ukrainian dairy processors, albeit reluctantly, but increase drying of milk. The reason for the lack of enthusiasm is evident: firstly, the price for this product is too low, and secondly – raw milk is still not so cheap to profitably manufacture powdered milk. – INFAGRO
Prices at this week’s Fonterra Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auction could come under further pressure, according to AHDB Dairy’s senior market analyst Patty Clayton.
Autumn is at the height, but demand for milk powder and butter is not high in Russia, which was not observed last years.
After notable jump in prices for commodity products in August, they stopped the growth in the beginning of September.
More milk is being processed into powders and butter according to the European Commission’slatest outlook.