Популярные темы: #milk price

ROLAND SOSSNA, Editor International Dairy Magazine: If all works fine, we will soon have 300 million tons more of milk

IFCN, the International Farm Comparison Network, has recently issued a very positive fore­cast for the future of the global dairy industry The organisation is positive that growth in demand will outstrip that of milk supply which. in turn, will strengthen the current positive level of farm gate milk prices Currently, the global milk price that […]

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ROLAND SOSSNA, Editor International Dairy Magazine: Prices will decrease. But there are no early signs of yet another catastrophe

Another year is about to end.  2017 was, all in all, a much better dairy year than 2016, for sure. Product prices increased as did milk prices and, hopefully, the margins of the dairy businesses have improved as well. Having been a visitor to the various trade shows addressing the dairy industry, IDM witnessed considerable […]

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ROLAND SOSSNA, Editor International Dairy Magazine: as long as the farmers are unable to react in adequate time span, nothing will change

According to the IFCN, the world milk price has increased by about 50 percent  in the four months since May to an average of 33.7 US cent per kilogram. But dairy farmers all over the globe seem not to have taken notice of this development. Instead, at least in good old Europe, a great many […]

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