Популярные темы: #Roland Sossna

ROLAND SOSSNA, Editor International Dairy Magazine: Global Dairy Trade 24/7/365. Just a small step for a platform, but a leap for commodity trade?

With the entry of NZX and EEX as shareholders, Global Dairy Trade (GDT) evolves from an export sales tool of more or less only a single nation, namely New Zealand, into a much more worldwide ac-tive auction platform. At least, this is what Fonterra and the two stock exchanges seem to think. But is the […]

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ROLAND SOSSNA, Editor International Dairy Magazine: Months are lost. World dairy trade will continue to suffer

At the moment this commentary is being written, everything revolves around how the world, people and, above all, economy can return to normal life from the rigidity of pandemic containment without causing further damage. A further lockdown, which would undoubtedly be imposed if the infection figures were to flare up again, would in all probability […]

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ROLAND SOSSNA, editor International Dairy Magazine: Why is cheese hit, of all things?

Life is full of disappointments and injustices, which is especially true for business life. The dairy industry may find it extremely unfair to be directly involved in the war of subsidies between the US aircraft manufacturer Boeing and its European counterpart Airbus. After all, what has the A320 got to do with cheese other than […]

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ROLAND SOSSNA, Editor International Dairy Magazine: If all works fine, we will soon have 300 million tons more of milk

IFCN, the International Farm Comparison Network, has recently issued a very positive fore­cast for the future of the global dairy industry The organisation is positive that growth in demand will outstrip that of milk supply which. in turn, will strengthen the current positive level of farm gate milk prices Currently, the global milk price that […]

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ROLAND SOSSNA, Editor International Dairy Magazine: A concept against unfair practices?

For the first time, Brussels has intervened in the relationship between food producers and retailers with a paper on unfair trade practices presented by EU Commissioner for Agriculture Phil Hogan. Surely, as the EU has been in a rage for regulation for years as it continues to regulate more and more areas of economic, public […]

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ROLAND SOSSNA, Editor International Dairy Magazine: Prices will decrease. But there are no early signs of yet another catastrophe

Another year is about to end.  2017 was, all in all, a much better dairy year than 2016, for sure. Product prices increased as did milk prices and, hopefully, the margins of the dairy businesses have improved as well. Having been a visitor to the various trade shows addressing the dairy industry, IDM witnessed considerable […]

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ROLAND SOSSNA, Editor International Dairy Magazine: Good news for the industry. The EU export business is set grow significantly

According to the recent OECD/EAO Agricultural Outlook, the share of commodities in EU dairy exports will grow from 24% in 2016 to 28% in 2026. Total EU dairy exports are to increase by 37% in that period. Cheese exports alone will be up by 26% to almost one million tons and 8MP exports will grow […]

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ROLAND SOSSNA, Editor International Dairy Magazine: recovery will take more time. The US market is better off that that in the EU

The latest and recent intervention of SMP in Europe was in effect unable to clear the milk protein markets from oversupply. Admittedly, product has gone on stock so that it needn’t be sold into markets at once. But that same SMP that is already in storage or is going  into storage, will return one day. […]

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