Популярные темы: #dairy market

VADYM CHAGAROVSKY, Board Chairman Dairy Union of Ukraine: Why the situation on Ukrainian dairy market is now better than it was last year

Speaking at the DAIRY BUSINESS-2018 conference on November 15 in Kyiv, Vadym Chagarovsky expressed shared his thoughts on general situation on Ukrainian dairy market. He also analyzed the reasons why the situation on the dairy market is now better than last year. Why do we have a better dairy market this year? The first reason […]

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ROLAND SOSSNA, Editor International Dairy Magazine: Prices will decrease. But there are no early signs of yet another catastrophe

Another year is about to end.  2017 was, all in all, a much better dairy year than 2016, for sure. Product prices increased as did milk prices and, hopefully, the margins of the dairy businesses have improved as well. Having been a visitor to the various trade shows addressing the dairy industry, IDM witnessed considerable […]

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ALEXEY BOGDANOV, Chief Main Department of Foreign Economic Activity, Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Republic of Belarus: Belarus has never worked against anyone

This week the Republic of Belarus reduced the minimum recommended export prices for dairy products. The decision was made at the meeting headed by the Minister of Agriculture Leonid Zayets. Alexey Bogdanov, Chief of the Main Department of Foreign Economic Activity of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus, commented on the […]

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LYUDMYLA KRYVOKHATKO, Analyst, Deputy Director Infagro: How would you estimate the recovery rate of the world dairy market?

During last time the global dairy market has not shown much signs of recovery. Moreover, for many goods prices rolled back. In fact, there are not so many reasons for the price decline. In Europe there are large interventional stocks of milk powder, but this factor can rather be considered only as psychological, because the […]

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OLGA KOZAK, IFCN representative in Ukraine, Doctorate Applicant NSC “Institute of Agrarian Economics”: Will the milk price increase in Ukraine immediately follow the recovery of the world milk prices?

Ukraine  has always been incorporated into the global economic space, it is one of the world food market players which has always been dependent and almost never disconnected from it. This can be fully applied to the market of milk and dairy products, which is considered as the open market. Analyzing the relation of the […]

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