Producers of fresh milk products trade actively in June
Producers of fresh milk products continue to trade actively in June, as the season of holidays has not begun yet.
Producers of fresh milk products continue to trade actively in June, as the season of holidays has not begun yet.
State Statistic Committee shows worsened figures in dairy farming, nevertheless milk yields are higher than a year ago.
First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Ivan Bisyuk tried to hold talks with Rosselkhoznadzor.
As soon as Russian cheese makers increased manufacture the problems with shortage of whey powder disappeared.
Prices for butter do not decline anymore in Russia. It occurred not because of increased consumer demand.
Official statistics on Belarusian foreign trade in the first quarter was published.
The next Ukrainian plants and large Polish manufacturers fell under strengthened control of Rosselkhoznadzor (Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance). All import of dairy products from Ireland will be banned from June, 23. The next plant of New Zealand Fonterra got under strengthened control. Source:
There is process of inflation in Russia now. Purchasing capacity is declined. All these are resulted in decrease of consumption of dairy products in the country.