EU countries continue to increase milk production despite low prices
EU milk deliveries increased by 5.5% in November, the highest monthly increase in 2015, according to latest data from the Milk Market Observatory (MMO).
EU milk deliveries increased by 5.5% in November, the highest monthly increase in 2015, according to latest data from the Milk Market Observatory (MMO).
Results of export in 2015 are already available. Value was essentially reduced, but some products showed growth in export volume.
After the New Year holiday the dairy market operators are back to severe reality of their everyday life. Unfortunately, not many of them can expect improvement of the market situation this year. It will be especially difficult to work during first half of the year. Milk production is declining, consumer demand is low and does not […]
New Year’s holidays are ended. Now operators are watching the prices on the market, tendencies, exchange rates etc.
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has signed a decree imposing trade barriers on Ukraine in response to Kiev joining Western sanctions against Moscow.
Dairy product prices increased by 1.9% at today’s Global Dairy Trade auction the last auction of 2015.
Milk market of Ukraine continued to show a prompt rise in price in the second half of November. The milk price reaches new record levels.
Producers of fresh milk products get to worrying. Considerably increased milk prices force them either to increase prices for the products and reduce sales, or to work without profit or even at a loss.
Milk market of Ukraine is increased in November: many processors do not have enough milk to satisfy the needs, therefore prices quickly grow.
Now the dairy branch of Ukraine goes through the period of changes. Milk prices have been promptly increased, processors try to increase the prices for dairy products too. But hardly this will become a long tendency. The situation worsened again on global markets – export does not rescue so much.