Ruble devaluation creates adjustments for the dairy industry in Russia

Against the background of negative economic situation in the country, it cannot be definitely said that the dairy branch is in very bad situation today.
Against the background of negative economic situation in the country, it cannot be definitely said that the dairy branch is in very bad situation today.
Prices for hard cheeses continue to break the records in Russia. Neither increase of own production, nor decrease of consumer demand stop their growth.
Declined purchasing capacity does not prevent stable increase of prices for fresh milk products. Every month almost all operators increase the prices for basic assortment by 3-5%.
Situation with demand for dairy products is complicated in Russia – prices are growing, people began to save expenses.
Taking into account prompt increase of prices for hard cheeses, consumer demand was essentially weakened in October.
Milk prices are increasing in Russia, but not as quickly as it was last years. This occurs in conditions of restricted import.