Ukraine Dairy Map – 2024

On World Milk Day, a special date for the world’s dairy community, officially introduced by the Food&Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations on June 1, 2001, an infographic was prepared and published – the Ukraine Dairy Map.

On the occasion of a special date for the world’s dairy community – World Milk Day, which was officially introduced by the Food Organization (FAO) of the United Nations on June 1, 2001, the Association of Milk Producers (AVM) in cooperation with the certification body “Organic Standard” with the support of Switzerland, within the framework of the Swiss-Ukrainian program “Development of trade with higher added value in the organic and dairy sectors of Ukraine” (QFTP), implemented by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL, Switzerland) in partnership with SAFOSO AG (Switzerland), prepared and published an infographic “Dairy map of Ukraine – 2024”. The updated infographic contains key data on the dynamics and results of the industry according to the results of 2023 (as of January 1, 2024) based on preliminary calculations by the State Statistics Service, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, own monitoring and research by AVM and the certification body “Organic Standard”. Information is currently sensitive for several temporarily occupied territories and those where hostilities are being conducted. It is not provided to comply with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Official Statistics” regarding statistical data confidentiality. It is also essential to consider that some frontline (and not only) territories cannot provide statistical reporting.

According to the results of 2023, almost every region continued to experience a decrease in the number of cows in the industrial sector (except for a slight increase in Ternopil and Mykolaiv, as well as Kharkiv, which after deoccupation began a difficult path of recovery). However, due to the increased productivity of cows, most oblasts showed an increase in industrial milk production. As a result:

  • The volume of milk from enterprises in the processing structure returned to the level of 2021.
  • The total share of such milk in the structure submitted for processing increased to 89.1% (against 81.8% before the full-scale invasion).
  • The share of “extra” grade milk reached 49%.

The profile of the top 5 dairy regions has changed: as of January 1, 2024, Poltava, Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Kyiv, and Vinnytsia regions became the leaders, keeping 51.4% of Ukraine’s industrial cows and providing 72.5% of milk revenues from dairy farms for processing.

The industry also suffered losses in the number of farms: on the eve of the full-scale invasion, 1,781 milk production farms worked in Ukraine. According to the results of 2022, 1,440 farms were operating, and according to 2023, there were only 1,309 enterprises.

New in the “Milk Map of Ukraine-2024” — thanks to research by the certification body “Organik Standart”, information on the number of certified organic milk production enterprises, their regional location, the dynamics of the cow population, the volume of milk production and the share in industrial cattle breeding of Ukraine is included. From 2009 to 2024, the number of certified organic farms increased from 2 to 6. Still, at the same time, thanks to extensive organic facilities in the Northern region, the number of cows in certified organic farms increased more than 12 times (from 221 to 2823 heads ). Organic milk production increased more than 20 times (0.77 to 18.9 thousand tons). Interestingly, the share of organic milk in the total volume of milk in Ukraine is almost on par with some EU countries, particularly Poland. The total share of organic milk in the EU is still low despite significant financial support, primarily from the CAP programs, at 3.7%. Although there are leaders with a share of organic milk, over 10% and 75% of all EU organic milk is produced by Germany, France, Denmark, Austria and Italy.

To view and download the “Ukraine Dairy Map – 2024”, follow the link.

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